Clinical Assessment of Re-Epithelialization using Methylene Blue Assay after Depigmentation under Surgical Microscope: A Case Report

Author Details

Kriti Mehrotra Vijay, Tanya Anil Jaitly, Triveni MG, Tarun Kumar AB, Dhoom Singh Mehta

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Published: 4 October 2018 | Article Type :


Aesthetic medicine has been an area of significant interest since ages, which is slowly but steadily garnering popularity owing to increased patient awareness.

The normal color of gingiva is coral pink with oral pigmentation being common among some races and ethnic groups. Melanin is one of the prime pigment responsible for gingival pigmentation and is of great aesthetic concern, especially in patients with high smile line. Periodontal plastic surgeries aim at improving the smile, with depigmentation being one of them. In this case report, evaluation of depigmentation using scalpel surgery and laser technique was done by clinical assessment of re-epithelialization. In this case, a 20year old.

girl was treated for depigmentation using split mouth surgical protocol comparing scalpel surgery and laser technique.

Depigmentation using scalpel was done on the right side of the maxillary arch and Laser ablation on the left side. Post-operatively vitamin E oil was used as an adjunct to promote uneventful healing.

Patient was recalled regularly for the first week and the rate of epithelialization was assessed at chairside using methylene blue. Although healing with laser assisted depigmentation was initially slow but enhanced healing was appreciated. However, on the 7th day both the sites exhibited equivalent outcome. vitamin E could be a contributory factor leading to faster and enhanced healing and can be used as an adjunct to surgical procedures to escalate the healing process.

Keywords: Hyperpigmentation, visual perception, vitamin E oil, methylene blue, re-epithelialization, Lasers.

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Kriti Mehrotra Vijay, Tanya Anil Jaitly, Triveni MG, Tarun Kumar AB, Dhoom Singh Mehta. (2018-10-04). "Clinical Assessment of Re-Epithelialization using Methylene Blue Assay after Depigmentation under Surgical Microscope: A Case Report." *Volume 1*, 2, 26-31